Q1 2024 Global Markets Review & Outlook

Inside, you will find a summary of market activity and our market outlook.

The good-to-great year we anticipated started strong for global equities. Emerging markets (EM) lagged developed markets but also participated in the first quarter’s positive start. Within global equities, Tech and the Tech-like portions of Communication Services led all other sectors, though some more cyclical, value-oriented categories also outperformed, including Financials and Energy— highlighting this bull market’s underappreciated breadth.

  • A Resilient New Bull Market: Young bull markets are stunningly hard to derail. Those that reach one year old almost always reach two.

  • Improving Sentiment: While sentiment has perked amid improving economic conditions, many remain skeptical—providing ample room for upside surprise and big gains in the new year.

  • Politics is a Tailwind in 2024: Since 1925, US equities ended positive in 83.3% of presidential election years. Globally, political uncertainty likely fades throughout the year further reducing investor anxiety.

*The foregoing information constitutes the views of Fisher Investments based on information believed to be reliable. There can be no assurances that Fisher Investments will continue to hold these views. These views may change at any time based on new information, analysis, or reconsideration.

Investing in stock markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any capital invested will be repaid. Past performance neither guarantees nor reliably indicates future performance.

About Fisher Investments Australasia

Fisher Investments Australasia offers a variety of Global, Non-US, and US Equity strategies for institutional investors. FIA delegates portfolio management to its parent company, Fisher Investments, a money management firm in the US founded in 1979 by investment guru Ken Fisher. Today, Fisher Investments and its affiliates oversee more than $406 billion* in assets for over 150,000 clients globally.* Founder Ken Fisher’s “Portfolio Strategy” column for Forbes ran from 1984 through 2016, making him the longest continually running columnist in the magazine’s 90+ year history. He has also authored several New York Times bestsellers on finance and investing. (*As of 31/03/2024)

For your reference, Fisher Investments Australasia is an investment manager located in Sydney. The parent company, Fisher Investments, is based in the United States, and manages assets for large institutional clients around the world.